PeproTech (派普泰克)公司创立于1988年,总部位于美国新泽西洲。PeproTech公司始终致力于为生命科学研究和细胞治疗市场提供高品质的细胞因子产物。经过20多年的发展,PeproTech公司已成为能提供多种高质量细胞因子和重组蛋白,相应的单克隆、多克隆和生物素标记抗体,以及ELISA试剂盒的世界*。2010年,PeproTech公司在江苏省苏州市设立其在中国的常驻代表机构, 负责对其产物进行和市场推广。
公司理念:专注干细胞研究,提升干细胞品质 Focus on improving the quality of Stem Cells
提供产物:华雅干细胞致力于为中国干细胞领域的干细胞科学研究、脐带血/造血干细胞/脐带/脂肪/胎盘干细胞库、干细胞临床转化医学、干细胞美容及干细胞抗衰老、免疫细胞治疗、T细胞治疗、临床干细胞治疗等再生医学和个体化治疗产业链的相关客户提供:干细胞研究用的小分子化合物x7x7x7任意噪108、MSC间充质干细胞培养基、iPS/ES胚胎干细胞培养基、血清替代物、羊水培养基、基底膜基质胶细胞支架、干细胞生长分化调控因子、BioMarker 流式检测抗体、支原体检测试剂盒、内毒素检测试剂盒、干细胞存储细胞冻存袋、细胞培养瓶、USP级DMSO二甲基亚砜细胞冻存液、细胞培养相关试剂耗材仪器等种类丰富的产物,以“Focus on improving the quality of Stem Cells专注干细胞研究,提升干细胞品质为己任,我们与客户携手为中国干细胞产业的发展而前行。
由于美国BioGems公司的产物种类丰富,在中国市场上产物通过中国代理商销售,华雅干细胞技术有限公司的核心就是在中国代理各种生物类产物(涉及生命科学研究、生物医药或生物制药、基因工程、疾病诊断、疫苗研发生产等等)的营销和服务工作。在中国地区,BioGems中国代理商重庆市华雅干细胞技术有限公司起着重要的传递科学价值,服务科学研究。华雅干细胞技术有限公司在中国代理的生物类产物已经成功销往 上海市、北京市、重庆市、天津市、广东省的广州市、深圳市、珠海市、江西省的南昌市、四川省的成都市、绵阳、浙江省的杭州市、宁波、温州、江苏省的南京市、苏州、无锡、泰州、湖南省的长沙、陕西省的西安市、杨凌、甘肃省的兰州、宁夏的银川、新疆的乌鲁木齐、广西的南宁市、山东省的济南、青岛、东北三省 辽宁省的沈阳市、大连市、吉林省的长春市、黑龙江省的哈尔滨市等中国绝大部分省市和自治区。
购买/: : :gnana@hystemcell.com
BioGems公司 CD2 Human RPA-2.10 Mouse IgG1, kappa SAFIRE Purified Anti-Human CD2 SAFIRE Purified 500 μg 04111-25-500
BioGems CD2 Human RPA-2.10 Mouse IgG1, kappa BG Violet 450 Anti-Human CD2 BG Violet 450 100 tests 04111-40-100
BioGems CD2 Human RPA-2.10 Mouse IgG1, kappa FITC Anti-Human CD2 FITC 25 tests 04111-50-25
BioGems CD2 Human RPA-2.10 Mouse IgG1, kappa PE Anti-Human CD2 PE 100 tests 04111-60-100
BioGems CD2 Human RPA-2.10 Mouse IgG1, kappa PE Anti-Human CD2 PE 25 tests 04111-60-25
BioGems CD2 Human RPA-2.10 Mouse IgG1, kappa APC Anti-Human CD2 APC 100 tests 04111-80-100
BioGems CD2 Human RPA-2.10 Mouse IgG1, kappa APC Anti-Human CD2 APC 25 tests 04111-80-25
BioGems CD2 Mouse RM2-5 Rat IgG2b, lambda SAFIRE Purified Anti-Mouse CD2 SAFIRE Purified 100 μg 04112-25-100
BioGems CD2 Mouse RM2-5 Rat IgG2b, lambda FITC Anti-Mouse CD2 FITC 100 μg 04112-50-100
BioGems CD2 Mouse RM2-5 Rat IgG2b, lambda PE Anti-Mouse CD2 PE 25 μg 04112-60-25
BioGems CD3 Mouse 17A2 Rat IgG2b, kappa SAFIRE Purified Anti-Mouse CD3 SAFIRE Purified 100 μg 05112-25-100
BioGems CD3 Mouse 17A2 Rat IgG2b, kappa SAFIRE Purified Anti-Mouse CD3 SAFIRE Purified 500 μg 05112-25-500
BioGems CD3 Mouse 17A2 Rat IgG2b, kappa BG Violet 450 Anti-Mouse CD3 BG Violet 450 100 μg 05112-40-100
BioGems CD3 Mouse 17A2 Rat IgG2b, kappa BG Violet 450 Anti-Mouse CD3 BG Violet 450 25 μg 05112-40-25
BioGems CD3 Mouse 17A2 Rat IgG2b, kappa FITC Anti-Mouse CD3 FITC 100 μg 05112-50-100
BioGems CD19 Human HIB19 Mouse IgG1, kappa PE Anti-Human CD19 PE 25 tests 11211-60-25
BioGems CD19 Human HIB19 Mouse IgG1, kappa PerCP-Cy5.5 Anti-Human CD19 PerCP-Cy5.5 100 tests 11211-70-100
BioGems CD19 Human HIB19 Mouse IgG1, kappa PerCP-Cy5.5 Anti-Human CD19 PerCP-Cy5.5 25 tests 11211-70-25
BioGems CD19 Human HIB19 Mouse IgG1, kappa PE-CY7 Anti-Human CD19 PE-Cy7 100 tests 11211-77-100
BioGems CD19 Human HIB19 Mouse IgG1, kappa PE-CY7 Anti-Human CD19 PE-Cy7 25 tests 11211-77-25
BioGems CD19 Human HIB19 Mouse IgG1, kappa APC Anti-Human CD19 APC 100 tests 11211-80-100
BioGems CD19 Human HIB19 Mouse IgG1, kappa APC Anti-Human CD19 APC 25 tests 11211-80-25
BioGems CD19 Mouse 1D3 Rat IgG2a, kappa Purified Anti-Mouse CD19 Purified 100 μg 11212-20-100
BioGems CD19 Mouse 1D3 Rat IgG2a, kappa Biotin Anti-Mouse CD19 Biotin 100 μg 11212-30-100
BioGems CD20 Human 2H7 Mouse IgG2b, kappa APC Anti-Human CD20 APC 100 tests 02311-80-100
BioGems CD20 Human 2H7 Mouse IgG2b, kappa APC Anti-Human CD20 APC 25 tests 02311-80-25
BioGems CD20 Mouse AISB12 Rat IgG2a SAFIRE Purified Anti-Mouse CD20 SAFIRE Purified 100 μg 02312-25-100
BioGems CD20 Mouse AISB12 Rat IgG2a SAFIRE Purified Anti-Mouse CD20 SAFIRE Purified 500 μg 02312-25-500
BioGems CD30 Human Ber-H2 mouse IgG1, kappa FITC Anti-Human CD30 FITC 100 tests 02411-50-100
BioGems CD30 Human Ber-H2 mouse IgG1, kappa FITC Anti-Human CD30 FITC 25 tests 02411-50-25
BioGems CD30 Human Ber-H2 mouse IgG1, kappa PE Anti-Human CD30 PE 100 tests 02411-60-100
BioGems CD30 Human Ber-H2 mouse IgG1, kappa PE Anti-Human CD30 PE 25 tests 02411-60-25
BioGems CD56 (NCAM) Human CMSSB Mouse IgG1, kappa PE Anti-Human CD56 (NCAM) PE 100 tests 08611-60-100
BioGems CD56 (NCAM) Human CMSSB Mouse IgG1, kappa PE Anti-Human CD56 (NCAM) PE 25 tests 08611-60-25
BioGems CD56 (NCAM) Human CMSSB Mouse IgG1, kappa APC Anti-Human CD56 (NCAM) APC 100 tests 08611-80-100
BioGems CD56 (NCAM) Human CMSSB Mouse IgG1, kappa APC Anti-Human CD56 (NCAM) APC 25 tests 08611-80-25
BioGems CD56 (NCAM) Human MEM-188 Mouse IgG2a, kappa FITC Anti-Human CD56 (NCAM) FITC 100 tests 08621-50-100
BioGems CD4 Human RPA-T4 Mouse IgG1, kappa FITC Anti-Human CD4 FITC 500 tests 06121-50-500
BioGems CD4 Human RPA-T4 Mouse IgG1, kappa PE Anti-Human CD4 PE 500 tests 06121-60-500
BioGems CD4 Human RPA-T4 Mouse IgG1, kappa PerCP-Cy5.5 Anti-Human CD4 PerCP-Cy5.5 100 tests 06121-70-100
BioGems CD4 Human RPA-T4 Mouse IgG1, kappa PE-Cy7 Anti-Human CD4 PE-Cy7 100 tests 06121-77-100
BioGems CD127 (IL-7 Receptor α) Mouse A7R34 Rat IgG2a, kappa Biotin Anti-Mouse CD127 (IL-7Ra) Biotin 100 μg 19212-30-100
BioGems CD127 (IL-7 Receptor α) Mouse A7R34 Rat IgG2a, kappa Biotin Anti-Mouse CD127 (IL-7Ra) Biotin 25 μg 19212-30-25
BioGems CD127 (IL-7 Receptor α) Mouse A7R34 Rat IgG2a, kappa Biotin Anti-Mouse CD127 (IL-7Ra) Biotin 500 μg 19212-30-500
BioGems CD127 (IL-7 Receptor α) Mouse A7R34 Rat IgG2a, kappa BG Violet 450 Anti-Mouse CD127 (IL-7Ra) BG Violet 450 100 μg 19212-40-100
BioGems CD127 (IL-7 Receptor α) Mouse A7R34 Rat IgG2a, kappa BG Violet 450 Anti-Mouse CD127 (IL-7Ra) BG Violet 450 25 μg 19212-40-25
BioGems CD197 (CCR7) Human 3D12 Mouse IgG1, kappa Purified Anti-Human CD197 (CCR7) Purified 100ug 20011-20-100
BioGems CD197 (CCR7) Human 3D12 Mouse IgG1, kappa FITC Anti-Human CD197 (CCR7) FITC 100 tests 20011-50-100
BioGems CD197 (CCR7) Human 3D12 Mouse IgG1, kappa FITC Anti-Human CD197 (CCR7) FITC 25 tests 20011-50-25
BioGems CD197 (CCR7) Human 3D12 Mouse IgG1, kappa PE Anti-Human CD197 (CCR7) PE 100 tests 20011-60-100
BioGems CD197 (CCR7) Human 3D12 Mouse IgG1, kappa PE Anti-Human CD197 (CCR7) PE 25 tests 20011-60-25
BioGems CD197 (CCR7) Mouse 4B12 Rat IgG2a, kappa SAFIRE Purified Anti-Mouse CD197 (CCR7) SAFIRE Purified 500 ug 20012-25-500
Isotype Controls
溶血剂:10*RBC Lysing Solution
Transcription Factor Fixation/Permeabilization Concentrate/Dilute
货号 产物名称 规格 工作浓度
92550-00 Transcription Factor Fixation/Permeabilization Concentrate (4x) 50 ml 1ml/sample
92555-00 Transcription Factor Fixation/Permeabilization Dilute 160ml 1ml/sample
92110-00 Permeabilization Buffer (10x) 150ml
货号 产物名称 EX EM 规格
60910-00 Propidim Iodide Solution 488nm 625nm 200 tests
500 tests
61410-00 7-AAD Solution 488nm 655nm 200 tests
500 tests
EX Filter 规格
62510-00 Viability Dye 450 405nm 450/50nm 100test/500tests
62510-00 Viability Dye 506 405nm 510/50nm 100test/500tests
63510-00 Cell Stimulation and Protein Transport Inhibitor Cocktail (500x) PMA, Ionomycin,BFA, Monensin 100 ul 2 ul/ml
carboxyfluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester 染细胞质随细胞分裂而衰减 细胞增殖检测 细胞示踪*
重庆市华雅干细胞技术有限公司主要在中国代理销售BD、Bio-Rad、GE、NUNC、Nalgene、PALL、Axygen、GEB等品牌的实验耗材类产物 ;在中国代理销售BD、GE、StemRD、Roche、R&D、Bio-Rad、LONZA、Cygnus、OriGen BioMedical、AnaSpec、Active Motif、Covance、StemCell、MP Biomedicals、Molecular Devices、Bio-Rad、Thermo、ExCell、ALPCO、Amresco等生物试剂类产物;在中国代理销售Bio-Rad、 BRAND、 HEROS等生物仪器类产物,其中大部分代理品牌为厂家中国一级代理商,个别品牌是厂家的中国总代理商。更多生物医药类产物咨询与购买!
购买/: :gnana@hystemcell.com